Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Arriving in Paris

The flight to france was a bit disconcerting. 8 hours of staring into cloudly twiglight. The french are a different people for certain. Even their airplane safety video was exceedingly stylish and filled with wierd sexual inuendo.
Wrote a poem in my twilight stateParis

Night Flight
Pallitable expectation settles
over voyager fending of sleep
for what lies ahea dafter endless hours
of cloudy twilight and deep dark oceans
with no horizon in sight
green land peeks over the earth
familiar feeling takes hold
like some dark ancient presence
beckoning to me with a silent voice
your life began here and here will awaken
welcome again to the ancetral source
welcome again to your long parted home

The plane lands in a dark soupy mist blocking the clear morning sky from viewNothing special just another airport. The earth looks somehow richer and darker but that is all. And yet the world has somehow changed.

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